Wednesday, March 12, 2014

When will I stumble across the threat?

“Everyone knows” that S & M is evil, a distasteful and perverted practice. When will I stumble across the obvious truth that almost “everyone” sees so clearly? I’ve been playing in this park a long, long time, and always carefully. The great boogie man must be stalking me, coming to get me, but he hasn’t shown his face.
I only know “The Scene” as a community where people are understanding, where they accept others openly. Like all the other dichotomies of pain / pleasure play, kinky folks seem to be kinder than the great mass of humanity! They are usually honest and dependable, often well-educated and erudite. Without exception, they are artistic, creative people, curious about their worlds, their minds and their bodies, and they don’t accept the opinions of others without investigating. They are a sensual lot, connoisseurs of the sense of touch.
I guess our society discourages non-conformists. Kink is fun in a Madonna video, but threatening when it happens in a suburban bedroom. It’s okay to be working at your computer screen 16 hours a day, but threatening to be doing nothing in tight bondage for an hour. Well, I’ll take the risk. Sometimes, conformity seems scary, too!

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